Rain,you're okay!
Today started off with the sun shining through out most of the day but just when I have to go outside on a bike to pick Dominic up from soccer , it starts torrential down pouring on me. I was going to complain but then I remembered Calgary and the snow ... I think I prefer rain. When I arrive and see Dominic he looks completely disappointed that I am picking him up from soccer and not his mom. We are still at the stage of " I don't speak english" so he likes to ignore me .... I am going to have to start bribing him with something awesome hahaha just kidding.
Earlier in the afternoon I had to take Yannic to get his haircut and we ran into one of his friends,Yannic stopped and said hello to him. Once we started going again I asked him if he had friends that were girls ... he looked disgusted. Apparently he is not at that stage yet but Dominic who is just a year younger likes girls because he always talks about chasing them. Boys are always up and down with girls, one minute there your friends the next minute girls are gross but in the end they always fall in liebe with us.
P.s Happy 2 years Lucas, ich liebe dich!
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