Tuesday 25 September 2012


Friday night my friend Jess who is also an aupair and I  packed our back packs and set out for our Oktoberfest adventure. 
On our way to Munich we did a thing called mitfahren which is a carpooling service that is used all across europe. If you have some extra seats in your car you can go on the website and give a time, date and price you want. It is a lot cheaper than trains and our ride was a lot more fun than a train ride. We lucked out and had a guy who had a DVD player and a really great singing voice. We watched the movie " Catch me if you can" and after that our driver and one of the other passengers sang to carnival songs which are songs that are really popular Cologne songs that play during carnival season. It was hilarious and gave me a good laugh. We arrived to Munich at 11:30 pm where our next mission was to find the place we were couchsurfing at. Couchsurfing is free. It allows you to meet locals and well sleep on their couch except Jess and I lucked out again. We got a guy who was a male nurse and lived in a dorm and the dorm next to him was vacant and for some reason he had the key so we got our own little private room. After meeting Benni, our host for the weekend we go to sleep. We tried to be up at 5:30 am so we can get a spot in the tent we wanted but for me that's impossible we made it to the grounds at 9 am which I was happy with. The one thing I wanted to see most was the tapping of the keg that is done by the Mayor however since it was opening day and didn't have a table we ended up only being able to hear the count down to the tapping of the keg which hey is good enough for me. After the tapping of the keg the beer drinking began and it was so much fun. Even though the weather was really bad it didn't stop anyone from having a good time. We got a table outside of the tent that was covered a bit so we sat down with an older Canadian couple and four Germans who showed us how to order in Bavarian and drink like Bavarians by the end of the day I was full beer and ready for bed. 

Thanks for the beer!


Sunday 16 September 2012


The one thing I love most about Europe is that you can drive two hours and be in a completely different country where they speak a completely different language. I find it so very cool. Saturday a friend and I decided to go Brussels which takes about two hours and twenty minutes. We spent the day walking around the lovely city. It is true that waffles taste better in Belgium but another type of food that Belgium is known for are their french fries and let me tell you the french fries were so brusselicious. Seeing as french fries are my favourite food I was in heaven. Brussels has much more to offer then it's food, it is a very cute city that was very busy. in the city centre it was so alive and the scenery was beautiful. There is so much to do that I found one day wasn't enough so I do hope to go back and since its so close it shouldn't be a problem!

A new week starts tomorrow which means it's another week helping out at the school. I have been helping at the school for about a month now and so far it's been going really well. I am always helping these two little boys who are both very funny. I told them one day that I wished I had a younger brother  and they both told me they will be my brothers hahah it made me laugh. So if I come home with two little kids at the airport don't be surprised. 

Have a great week!!!!
