Monday 30 April 2012

Water Fight ....

This week I am having to spend more time alone with the boys which I am really looking forward to because it means I will get more bonding time . Today after my German class I had to watch Yannic, Dominic and one of Yannick's friends Leo. When Leo is over they always want me to play hide n seek
 so that is what we did and since it was nice out the boys wanted to play outside which was fun for five min but got boring really fast because they always pick a hiding spot and keep hiding in that spot for the next five games and when I keep finding them they start getting board and want to do something else. Since I am trying to get in the good books with the boys I am up for anything and today that meant getting absolutely soaked in a spontaneous water fight that I may or may not have started. After the three boys teamed up on me and got me soaked I thought that meant game over but no that was just the beginning we had a water fight for about forty-five minutes and even though it was me against three boys I think I did pretty good. The one rule was that the water had to be warm water not cold and getting warm water poured on you when you're cold is like a nice hot the end of it Dominic was asking me to pour water on him because it felt nice. At one point I was even pouring water over my head because it made me feel like I was in hot tub. I think it's safe to say the water fight ended in a tie and for the first time since I've been here I think the boys thought I was the coolest au pair ever !!!


Wednesday 25 April 2012

Because I said so

Last night I was home alone with the boys and had to put them to bed. Before Dominic went upstairs to get ready for bed he asked me if he could have something to drink and I told him he could have a glass of water. He didn't understand that I said water because he went and got apple juice. I told him to put it away and get water . Ivetta told me that she doesn't want the boys to have apple juice before they go to bed because well she said so . Dominic didn't like that I told him to get water so he began having this huge freak out. He burst into tears and started doing these tai chi moves on me, apart of me wanted to give in but I couldn't do that because it would mean a seven year old won in an argument and I couldn't have that. 
I am into my second week of German and it is still very hard. I can understand some reading but when it comes to talking I haven't gotta clue. I have found coming home and having four German speaking people in the house helps a lot and everyday I get a little bit better. 

Guten Tag! 


German word of the day : Liebe ( love) 

Friday 20 April 2012

Working Together

For this whole week I have been practising really hard on my German. Each day I try and learn more words and phrases. Since I have homework that I need help on it takes away my hide n seek time with the boys however we came to an agreement that if they help me with my homework I will play with them so technically it works out to a win,win. Yannic and his friend helped me yesterday and we're a lot of help ... a bit bossy but in the end I understood a lot of what my homework was. At night when I put Dominic to bed he wanted me to read him a German children's book. That didn't go so well because I would ask Dominic for help and he would just yell at me to keep reading. I think I read one page and then he said he was better at reading German books so he took over and started reading another book he had. I think the boys are enjoying me learning German because they like to think they're better then me which is impossible! 

German Word of the Day : Knutschen ( Canoodle) 

Happy Friday! 


Wednesday 18 April 2012

Day Three of German!

I have reached day three of my German class and it is very difficult. I wasn't expecting it to be easy but I also wasn't expecting it to be all taught in German I mean I don't know anything so how do you expect me to follow four hours of a teacher speaking German. I am in class for four hours and then I come home and practice for a couple more hours. By the end of the day my mind is tired but I hope by the end of the year I am fluent, that is my goal. I am the only English speaking student in my class. There is about six Spanish students and a couple people from other places around Europe. I am finding that English isn't so popular in Cologne. You either speak German,Spanish or French. 

The boys still help me all the time with my German but now Dominic is making fun of how I say things so we aren't on speaking terms at the moment .... life is good. 

Guten Nacht!
(Good Night)

Wednesday 11 April 2012


Being on vacation has made Dominic a lot less shy towards me which is a really good thing however i've never met someone who can talk so much. You think Sarah talks a lot ... she is quiet compared to Dominic. He is trying to speak more English to me and when he does he always likes to ask me questions about my family. Today he asked me if I liked my family. I told him of course I like my family don't you like yours and he said " Ya, except for this one day I hated them all". He also told me that being last in something means your actually first. That is why he is always last to get to bed. It also came to me that all those years I thought I came last in sports I actually was first... I like the way he thinks. Now that Dominic and I are becoming friends he is using me to help clean his room which was a complete disaster the other day. He is a secret hoarder .


Monday 9 April 2012

Vacation Time Has Come to an End!

We have reached the tenth day of being on the island Fuerteventura which means this vacation has come to an end. I have enjoyed my time here even though being on vacation made me miss my family more than ever. I have successfully burnt my whole body which means I have done good ... hopefully it turns into a tan. The weather was good for the most part however two of the days we're rainy and it was really windy which made it cold. We went to the beach a couple of days which was nice and relaxing but windy and the ocean was cold but not as cold as the pool at the house. I am too much of a princess to go into a pool that isn't heated. The boys loved it but did wear wetsuits hahaha. 
To end our time here we went out to dinner to the boys favourite restaurant that I believe we went to five times. When dinner was over I asked the boys if I could get a picture with them pretending that they like me so I can send it to my family back home .... they didn't want to which meant I had to bribe them. I told them that they either have to sit next to me on the plane ride home or they take a picture with me. Dominic was into this deal and agreed .... Yannic wasn't so much. 


Wednesday 4 April 2012


We played this game today called Skip Bo.It is a card game that was first introduced to me by Lucas and his family. They're all very good at .... especially his mom. Every time I would play with them I would always lose and to be honest I wasn't very good at. My losing streak has finally come to an end. Playing against Dominic and Yannic I  won twice in a row. It is so much fun for me playing against little kids because I am actually winning at things. I mean the fact that they're younger then me really shouldn't matter .... 


Monday 2 April 2012

Day Three

Day three on this beautiful island and i'm definitely living the good life. Since we have a pool at the house the boys are occupied for most of the day which gives me most of the day to lie in the sun and read. This is the toughest job I have ever had ha ha ha. 
Tonight we stayed in for dinner and I helped Ivetta prepare a spanish type dinner. It was a success and everything I touched tasted like gold ... i'm lying.  After dinner there isn't much to do. We just sit and watch T.V which in German can be entertaining  even if I don't know what's going on. 
Tomorrow looks like it is going to be a beach day. The ocean is a bit to cold to go into so it looks like I will be lying in the sun which sounds good to me!

Talk to you soon. 
